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Searching tips 

Free Text Search
When you type a word or phrase into the box, the whole archive will be searched and it will bring up any records that contain that word or phrase.

Click on the first letter of your subject keyword. Then click on ‘Please select’ and pick a keyword from the drop down list below. Click on the search button below this to search the archive. 

If too many results are returned you could try refining your search by using multiple keywords and linking them together using the AND / OR option. 
Selecting AND will only find records that contain both of the keywords. Selecting OR will find all records containing the first keyword and all records containing the second keyword.

AND search

Is the AND button showing at the end of the keyword alphabet? If OR is showing simply click on it to bring up AND
Select your first keyword then select your second keyword and so on until you have chosen your search terms.
Then click on the Search button to perform the search. 

OR search

Is the OR button showing at the end of the keyword alphabet? If AND is showing simply click on it to bring up OR
Select your first keyword then select your second keyword and so on until you have chosen your search terms.
Then click on the Search button to perform the search. 

The results of your search will be displayed with 10 'thumbnail images' per page, use the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to move back and forth through the pages. Click on a thumbnail to enlarge it and get full caption details

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